Tuesday, August 7, 2007

More on Mitch

Well, I found definite evidence Mitch is at least part-way spanko. And Terri may be as well, so watch this space!

Mitch "stole" a rocking chair from the garage at the home he and Rose used to share. Mitch's response to Terri's desperate "you didn't STEAL it, did you?" was "how do you steal something that doesn't exist?" because Rose kept claiming the chair had already been stolen. It belonged to Mitch, anyway.

Terri's response to that is, "So much for me having beaten it out of you!" Mitch, with what on anyone else would have been a suggestive leer, responded "When we get home, hop in!" Terri just mutters for a few seconds, before hopping in.

And talking of Mitch and Terri, I think Mitch may well have the patent on the least romantic proposal of all time. I swear, "How about it, Sullivan. Will you marry me?" Please Mitch, what happened to all the mushy stuff. What happened to "make me the happiest man alive"? Or "we wasted so many years'? or "you're the centre of my universe"? Poor Mitch wouldn't know romance if it bit him on the bum.

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