Friday, August 7, 2009

We Have To Save All Saints

Frigging Channel 7 are begging to be thumped. They've decided to cancel the only long-running Australian drama left. Yes, I know, H&A and Neighbours have been around longer. But, as we all know perfectly well, those two are Soap Operas, and therefore don't qualify.

So, apparantly the last episode ever of my beloved All Saints, the program which is my universe some days, and by which I count time, will air on the 27th of October this year. If enough people protest this to Channel 7, hopefully they'll go with their original plan. When rumours of AS getting axed started, 7 stated that no way was AS going to be axed, but they were cutting production down from 40 episodes a year to 20. I can live with that. But now they've decided to axe the show, and to blame it on the financial crisis. Bullshit! H&A has to cost more on sheer production volume alone, even with the added expense of the chopper and filming on location rather than in the studio for the MRU scenes.

Frankly, most fans say 7 should just ditch the stupid MRU, and take AS back to the ED. I think that would be perfect. After all, when they started the idea, channel 7 said the MRU was expensive. Stupid idiots are now deciding to axe a perfectly good show altogether, rather than doing the sensible thing and downsizing. I just hope the mean rotten donkeys don't blow the hospital up in the last show. Any other ending means once the financial crisis is over, and they realise that TV Burp is a dumb show that does't get viewers, they'll channel funds back to AS, and the show can come back.

And while I'm daydreaming, they can bring Bron and Ben and Luke and Paula and Terri back too. We need a cast reuinion for the supposedly last ever episode.

Who's with me? Does anyone ever view this blog? Comments might be nice, people. If you've got a blog, let me know. I'd love to have a few to link to.

Terri Granger-Durham, signing off.

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