Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I have seasons 1-5. I intend to buy seasons 10, 11 and 12 as soon as possible. I wish they'd hurry up and bring out seasons 6-9. I really need season 6 for a fanfiction project I'm working on.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


I'm going to really miss All Saints. Channel 7 won't back down on cancelling the show, and next tuesday, (27th October) is the last ever show. I can't believe it, I don't want to believe it. I feel like someone jus killed my pet dog. I know that sounds really melodramatic, but that's really how I feel.

All Saints is one of the few things I rely on, and I don't know what I"m going to do without it. I really, really hope channel 7 changes their mind in the next few years, people will hopefully yell at them enough that they'll have to see reason.

Maybe when the financial crisis is over. I know it's not the sort of thing people are supposed to pray for, but I'm praying as hard as I can that channel 7 will recognise what a great thing they have with AS, and bring it back. We need All Saints. Please channel 7. 20 episodes a year we can deal with. Yoou're cutting your other dramas down to 20 episodes a year. No episodes a year is going to drive us nuts. Please channel 7.

Well, I guess you get the gist.

More later, when this bloody misery lifts.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Love Our Lurkers

It appears I missed a special day, yesterday. My internet access went and ran out, so I'm sorry. I think I earned a spanking for that one. A

nyhow, the 16th of October is Love Our Lurkers day. So, I'm sending love to any and all lurkers, on any and all blogs. This idea was created by Bonnie of http://bottomsmarts.blogspot.com four years ago. So, we love our lurkers. Leave a comment, if you want. Lurk away, if you want. Am linking this post to my other blogs, too, if I can.

Am thoroughly enjoying re-watching the DVDs. Can't wait for seasons 6-9 to come out. Will by seasons 10 and 11 soon. More details later.

Friday, August 7, 2009

We Have To Save All Saints

Frigging Channel 7 are begging to be thumped. They've decided to cancel the only long-running Australian drama left. Yes, I know, H&A and Neighbours have been around longer. But, as we all know perfectly well, those two are Soap Operas, and therefore don't qualify.

So, apparantly the last episode ever of my beloved All Saints, the program which is my universe some days, and by which I count time, will air on the 27th of October this year. If enough people protest this to Channel 7, hopefully they'll go with their original plan. When rumours of AS getting axed started, 7 stated that no way was AS going to be axed, but they were cutting production down from 40 episodes a year to 20. I can live with that. But now they've decided to axe the show, and to blame it on the financial crisis. Bullshit! H&A has to cost more on sheer production volume alone, even with the added expense of the chopper and filming on location rather than in the studio for the MRU scenes.

Frankly, most fans say 7 should just ditch the stupid MRU, and take AS back to the ED. I think that would be perfect. After all, when they started the idea, channel 7 said the MRU was expensive. Stupid idiots are now deciding to axe a perfectly good show altogether, rather than doing the sensible thing and downsizing. I just hope the mean rotten donkeys don't blow the hospital up in the last show. Any other ending means once the financial crisis is over, and they realise that TV Burp is a dumb show that does't get viewers, they'll channel funds back to AS, and the show can come back.

And while I'm daydreaming, they can bring Bron and Ben and Luke and Paula and Terri back too. We need a cast reuinion for the supposedly last ever episode.

Who's with me? Does anyone ever view this blog? Comments might be nice, people. If you've got a blog, let me know. I'd love to have a few to link to.

Terri Granger-Durham, signing off.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

More on Mitch

Well, I found definite evidence Mitch is at least part-way spanko. And Terri may be as well, so watch this space!

Mitch "stole" a rocking chair from the garage at the home he and Rose used to share. Mitch's response to Terri's desperate "you didn't STEAL it, did you?" was "how do you steal something that doesn't exist?" because Rose kept claiming the chair had already been stolen. It belonged to Mitch, anyway.

Terri's response to that is, "So much for me having beaten it out of you!" Mitch, with what on anyone else would have been a suggestive leer, responded "When we get home, hop in!" Terri just mutters for a few seconds, before hopping in.

And talking of Mitch and Terri, I think Mitch may well have the patent on the least romantic proposal of all time. I swear, "How about it, Sullivan. Will you marry me?" Please Mitch, what happened to all the mushy stuff. What happened to "make me the happiest man alive"? Or "we wasted so many years'? or "you're the centre of my universe"? Poor Mitch wouldn't know romance if it bit him on the bum.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Musing about Mitch

I miss Mitch Stevens so much it hurts, sometimes. I'm so glad the DVDs are out, now I get to watch Mitch and Terri again whenever I want to. Those two are soulmates. I swear, they are so sweet together, even when Terri's trying to run the ward, and Mitch is trying to annoy her, or doing silly things just to get her attention.

And my heart just broke during the episode "Lest Ye Be Judged", when the prosecutrix pestered Mitch about being in love with Terri. The pain in his eyes was evident as he admitted that he had never stopped being in love with Terri, and that he would do anything to protect her. I wanted to smack the prosecutrix for her next comment, which was the smug conclusion that Mitch's admission included lying to the court. Terri looked shocked and saddened by Mitch's admission. It was obviously unexpected, and I believe it took her a while to come to terms with the fact that Mitch was still in love with her. Of course, most of the viewers knew it all along.

Thankfully, Terri was acquitted, as everyone expected she would be. After all, at that point, no Terri, no All Saints. I still feel like that sometimes. Now that Georgie Parker's left the series, it feels like there's a gaping gap. I miss Terri so much it hurts, but I know she may come back one day, so I keep on hoping. That's the good thing about going away to Scotland, rather than dying. Terri can come back. I hope she does.

The dynamic between them, especially as Terri falls back in love with Mitch, is so sweet, and so much fun to watch. Then again, everything about Mitch is fun to watch. And Mitch is a pathetically hopeless tease. The way he interacts with everyone on the ward is so funny to watch. He even manages to break through Von's stern and forbidding exterior, in a manner which only Terri managed before Mitch arrived on the scene.

I swear, in the first half of "Valley of the Shadow", when Mitch is ordering Von to go to an appointment, and Von asks "What? Are you going to drag me there?" and Mitch responds, "Come on" and grabs hold of her arm, I was laughing my head off. Honestly. Well, I think that taught Von not to put ideas in Mitch's head.

On the other hand, I wonder if anything ever taught Mitch not to put ideas in Terri's head. I swear, the episode where Terri says to Mitch that his behaviour towards a patient "bordered on negligence" and Mitch responds: "Oh yes, time for my spanking!", I swear, I was begging Terri to take him up on the offer. For one thing, if he can smirk about it, then he obviously has not fully grasped the seriousness of the situation, and needs to be reminded.of how serious the consequences of his actions can be. For another, if he's going to put ideas in Terri's head, he needs to be prepared for Terri to actually act on them. For a third, he had been teasing and flirting with poor Terri all day. Even I know you don't flirt with nuns. He deserved that spanking, and I wish she'd given it to him.

I swear Mitch is at least part way spanko. (If you know what that term means, good. If you don't, you don't want to. Trust me on this.) I mean, for one thing, the above paragraph. Only a spanko would seriously make jokes about spanking, and genuinely mean them. Mitch was LITERALLY asking for one. I'm surprised Terri didn't oblige. Actually, no I'm not. I guess that wouldn't have been appropriate for a nun. I still wish she had, though.

The other reason I think Mitch is at least part way spanko is this: One of the episodes in the second series brings up the idea of using an egg beater as a sex toy. (Firstly, minds out of the gutter, all of you. Secondly, please give me a moment to permenantly wipe that mental image out of my mind. It's disturbing.) Anyway, when asked why anyone would want an egg beater during sex, Bron starts making the sound a whirring rotary whisk makes. Mitch on the other hand starts whipping the air enthusiastically, with an almost animalistic gleam in his eyes. (Now I think on it, I might need to get my own mind out of the gutter. That mental image is just, well, EWWWWWW!)

Now, if that isn't the sign of someone who's at least part way spanko, then I don't know what is. I think I'm going to sign off now. This post is starting to feel a little strange, and I've forgotten most of what I wanted to post. I'll post again soon.

Inttro to All About All Saints

I guess this is where I tell you why I named this blog All About All Saints. By the way, that is the TV show I'm talking about, as should be clear from the address of this blog: 17EDForever. Means Ward 17 and Emergency Department Forever. So, that's what I'll be writing about.

Stuff from the ED, like how much I love Frank and miss Terri, and stuff from Ward 17, also known as the Garbage Ward, like how much I miss Mitch, and how I wish Stan Ridgeway was the CEO still. I think he's the only CEO of All Saints Western General Hospital who was supposed to be liked. He's definitely the only one I've ever liked. I'll also write about how evil Rose Carleton-Stevens was and how I was mad when Terri got accused of her murder. And of course, I'll write about anything else I think of, including quotes, if I can remember them.

I am so GLAD All Saints is availiable on DVD in Australia. I've got the first three seasons, and I'm waiting to get the fourth. I can't wait, especially as I want to find out how Mitch finally forgives Terri for being scared of him when he was so drunk more than 10 years ago.

I"ll sign off, now, before this becomes an extremely long ramble. I've got time to ramble about other things, at other times.